In this example we connect a MPL3115A2 sensor to a STM32 Nucleo and the example will use the MBed compiler
The MPL3115A2 is a compact, piezoresistive, absolute pressure sensor with an I2C digital interface. MPL3115A2 has a wide operating range of 20 kPa to 110 kPa, a range that covers all surface elevations on earth. The MEMS is temperature compensated utilizing an on-chip temperature sensor. The pressure and temperature data is fed into a high resolution ADC to provide fully compensated and digitized outputs for pressure in Pascals and temperature in °C.
The compensated pressure output can then be converted to altitude, utilizing the formula stated in Section 9.1.3 “Pressure/altitude” provided in meters.The internal processing in MPL3115A2 removes compensation and unit conversion load from the system MCU, simplifying system design
Parts List
Here are the parts that I used
I imported the following example and library into the MBed compiler –
[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
#include "mbed.h" #include "MSS.h" #include "MPL3115A2.h" #define MPL3115A2_I2C_ADDRESS (0x60) int main() { double alt, bar, temp ; MPL3115A2 mpl(PIN_SDA, PIN_SCL, MPL3115A2_I2C_ADDRESS) ; printf("=== test MPL3115A2 for %s (%s) ===\n") ; printf("Altitude(m), Pressure(hPa), Temperature(c)\n") ; while(1) { alt = mpl.getAltitude() ; bar = mpl.getPressure() ; temp = mpl.getTemperature() ; printf("%6.2f, %6.2f, %6.2f\n",alt, bar, temp) ; wait(1) ; } }
Using a serial monitor program like Teraterm connect to the serial port of your STM32 nucleo